The problems with Therapy “Apps”

In recent years, services like BetterHelp and TalkSpace have promised to make therapy accessible and affordable by consolidating the relationship into their software platform.  Given how complicated, byzantine, and frustrating the process of finding a therapist tends to be, I can appreciate that anyone would want to simplify it.

Not long after these businesses emerged, customers, journalists, and other professionals started to uncover serious problems with these businesses.  You can read some coverage herehere and here or check out the efforts of the Psychotherapy Action Network (PsiAN).  In short, these platforms have never taken confidentiality seriously, which is concerning as confidentiality is one of the cornerstones of effective and ethical therapy practice. At worst, some of these businesses have degraded the experience of therapy for their customers, often at the expense of the workers who make their businesses work.  While these apps promise to simplify the experience of finding a therapist, there are serious problems with the care they offer. 


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